Saturday, September 14, 2013

It happened again...

I promised to write more...and it's been over a month! It's been on my weekly to do list every week, but I'm sorry it hasn't happened like it should have!

A lot has happened in the last month...
School started and has really taken over my life! Super busy with 24 kindergartners...
Here are some crafty things that I helped with around school...
I tried to put together a fun bulletin board in the teachers' lounge this year...

Outside my door, I hung a giant owl with my kids' names on all the feathers. 
Whoo's a leader in 5K?

My sweet mom offered to help out! So she put together some super cute pillows for my reading center. 

I stitched these curtains to add a little color.

I repainted this seat and covered the old, dirty cushion. Plus my mom's cute pillow

And here's my reading center

AND this was a big project...I sorted and labeled all of my books. It took DAYS. I know all these books are no longer organized but at least they started that way.

Reading and Writing centers

My desk

I repainted some older shutters from my parents' house and then used them to display our leadership habits.

And here's my room!...Hasn't been this clean since!

I've also been on the Paleo diet since I last wrote, and I LOVE it! I'm down about 8 pounds and am feeling so much more healthy! It's definitely time consuming since I'm not eating much from a package, but my body feels great. 

Fresh bananas, avocados, and tomatoes
I LOVE avocados and eat them almost everyday. So, so good!

Paleo Lemon Muffins (I added blueberries)
No dairy or wheat. Mine definitely don't look like the picture, but they tasted great!

Here's my breakfast one morning: Lemon muffin, awesome trader joes sausage, banana, and tomatoes

I've found lots of great recipes on pinterest. Hopefully I can keep this going. My weight is now less than what's on my drivers license! Love it!

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