Tuesday, November 6, 2012


WORST blogger ever! Yes, I am now realizing that I have not posted a single thing for over a month. Sooo sorry! This has been a whirl-wind of a month! The only reason that I'm even getting to post today is because I have been blessed with a day off from school for Election Day! Yes, I voted! Now, I have some time to catch up on errands and do some serious sewing. I've been working on some fabulous nursery items for my BFF, and they are finally finishing up. Up next, I'll be doing some more chef coats with a holiday theme for my friends at Pink Magnolia.

Here's a quick glimpse back at one of my FAVE holidays! LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween!

Our super cute witch fanny on the front door. I made it last year and wish her skirt was a little more fluffed...guess I'll need to be more careful in storage this year.

At our back door...Target clearance find last year!

 Some more fall decor on our side porch.
 Loving my garnet wreaths!

 The babies! Sid in his XL pajamas (L wouldn't be wide enough, but the legs on the XL are WAY too long! Haha!) Plus Charlie in her pumpkin sweater.

 Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom costumes

 Crazy Kindergarten team! LOVE Clifford!
 Some juicy brains for my class :)

And my adorable hubs as Beetle Juice back in the day! Thanks Mama T!

I'll post the rest of the month of October later this week! It has been busy! You may notice a new family member who snuck into a few pictures :)